Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Student Loan Refinancing Strategy - 3 Tips to Make Your Repayments Cheaper

Image : http://www.flickr.com

It is a shame that heavy debt is the result of achieving higher education. Although this is the case you must really look at the situation from the best angle you can. Unfortunately debt is a part of life and you have two options to deal with it; Manage the debt to your best ability or two let it grow and eventually consume you! Student loans refinancing may be your best option to manage the debt successfully until it is paid off. Let us take a look at 3 Tips to help you get started:

1. What can you realistically afford to pay? There is no point over extending yourself to try and pay the loan off quicker. By doing so you could put yourself into financial hardship. If you earn $200 per week there is no point trying to repay $500 per month. Try and manage your money in a way that your debt consumes no more than 30% of your total income. If it does you may need to look at getting a higher paying job or second job.

2. Talk to your current financial lender to see if they can restructure your loan. Sometimes you do not need to go elsewhere for student loans refinancing. They may be able to lengthen the time period of your loan in order to make the monthly repayments less. This will increase the cost of interest over time. However it does allow a bit of breathing space until you are earning a much higher income. Grad students do find it financially crippling as they begin their careers. By doing this you can reduce the heavy debt burden in the short term with a long term view of paying the loan off quicker.

3. There is no harm in seeking additional lending elsewhere. If your current lender is prepared to negotiate the terms and conditions of your loan you then have the option to compare these conditions with other student loan lenders. Keep your options open. You will have plenty of options if you have a good credit history and if your payments have been timely this will also work in your favor.

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