Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Collateral Damage of Subprime Mortgage Fiasco - Favorite Pets

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Before you foreclose on your property, think about on how to consolidate debt loans. The subprime mortgage foreclosure crisis is hitting hard that even your lovely and favorite pets are not spared. Your favorite dog, cat, horse and other animals may soon end up in your neighborhood shelter. There are reports that big numbers of pets are even found in some foreclosed houses. This is part of the collateral damage brought upon by the devastating subprime mortgage crisis. It is so monstrous in scope that it leaves no one spared. Pure financial devastation.

Some people are finding it very difficult to care for their favorite pets when they move to another place. These people end up giving their beloved pets to their local animal shelter. When they move to these places, it does not allow them to have their pets and care for them. Because of the economic conditions that these people are in at the moment, they have to give up something very dear to them. It is totally brutal seeing these people losing not only their houses and properties but even their pets.

People should have look ahead and try to assess the possibility to consolidate debt loans before going into mortgage foreclosure. I know it is very difficult and you could end up with a higher interest rate but I guess it is worth the try. With the federal government initiative and plans of implementing a freeze on some mortgage loans between 1 to 7 years, you could end up with a better deal. Consolidate debt loans and /or mortgage refinancing would be a good option. So do not panic and make a rush decision and foreclose because there are so many other avenues you can use and avoid the rush to foreclosure.

Think about it for moment, after your family the next biggest thing you could have is your house and property and the one that is very close to you, it could be your favorite pet. Give yourself a fighting chance and avoid these frightening things that may be scaring you now. Do a research about consolidate debt loans and mortgage refinancing as it may save you from the tentacles of these monstrous subprime mortgage fiasco. After all, you should not loss your house or property and neither your favorite dog, your horse or your favorite cat. These pets can also be a security and a very good companion during rough times.

With all the talk of doom and gloom about the U.S. economy going into recession and the financial institution ailing health, consolidate debt loans and mortgage refinancing is not a bad idea after all. If you see an increase in pets being abandoned, do not be surprise. This shows that the economy we are in at that the moment is indeed in great danger and unless something is done it will get worse.

A news from the Chicago Tribune web edition reports that Linda Gelb, president of Community Animal Rescue Effort which works through the Evanston Animal shelter, said her group has taken in four dogs in the past three weeks because their owners were losing their homes. This is indeed very bad news.

We have to avoid getting carried away by this devastating news every day. Pause for a moment and take a deep breath. If you listen and pay attention intently on the news, you could get carried away, get anxious and worse get depressed and rush into making a decision you might regret later on. Compose yourself and assess your situation, think about the option of consolidate debt loans and mortgage refinancing.

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